Building, Burning & Driveway Permit Information
Dunn County Zoning has requested that anyone who desires to build a structure in the town first conact the Dunn County Zoning first, at 715-231-6522, to see if any permits are required by Dunn County. If your building and/or remodeling project costs more than $2,500 you will need to complete a Town of New Haven Building Permit form and submit it to the Clerk. The town permit costs $45 and is good for one year. Town building permits are also available on this website under "Forms & Permits." Once you complete the town permit and mail it to the clerk with your check for $45, you may go ahead and begin building. You do not need to post a copy of the town building permit.
If you are building a new residential dwelling you will also need to contact Josh Melstrom, the building inspector, of Melstrom Inspections (located in Glenwood City, WI). Phone: (480) 261-9014.
Click here for more information on Wisconsin's Uniform Dwelling Code.
Email the Chair or the Clerk. They will issue a burning permit which is free. There will be a number on the permit that you must call each time before you burn.
When you call before you burn, you will be informed if there is a burning ban in effect. You will also give them the location of where you are burning. If you do not give the location of where you are burning and the fire department is called, you will be responsible for the costs.
Please call the Chair, or one of the Supervisors if the Chair is not available, regarding a driveway permit. There are certain specifications that must be met when putting in driveways. The cost for a driveway permit is $45, except in the case of a field driveway; those are free.
Town Information
The regular monthly Town Board meetings are held at 7:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month at the New Haven Town Hall. The exception to this is in April when the Town has it's Annual Meeting. In April, the Board Meeting and the Annual Town Meeting are held on the third Tuesday of the month at the Town Hall at 7:00 pm.
Agendas and notices for upcoming meetings, elections, town meetings, etc., are posted on this website and on the bulletin boards at the Town Shop, the Town Hall, and the Connorsville Cheese Store.
The minutes from Town Board meetings and Plan Commission meetings are not final until the Board or Commission approves them at their next meeting. After the minutes are approved they are posted to the website. Public Budget Hearing minutes, Special Town Meeting minutes and Town Annual Meeting minutes are posted as soon as they are completed.
Please visit Dunn County's website on Rural Addressing for instructions on how to obtain a new or replacement fire number.
Effective October 1, 2014, the town no longer provides plowing and/or sanding services to private residents, businesses or churches. Townspeople are encouraged to make arrangements to have plowing and/or sanding done by a private company or individual.
Voter Registration Information
Please click on the "Election Information" link on the left sidebar for links to the State of Wisconsin's Elections Commission website which will have all the election information you need. You may also email the Town Clerk at