Plan Commission

Mission Statement, in development

Commission Members
Ken Seguine – Chair
Phone: 715-455-8026 Email: [email protected]

Doug Sander – Vice Chair
Andrew French – Secretary
Amber Carlsrud
Jeff Carlsrud

Committee Members
Dale Wiehoff



Town of New Haven Plan Commission Ordinance: Plan Commission Ordinance
Wisconsin Statues for Comprehensive Plan: WI State Stats for Comprehensive Plan
Town of New Haven Compreshensive Land Use Plan: New Haven Comprehensive Plan
Dunn County Land Use Plan: 2020_Dunn County Land Use Plan 2010-2030
Recharge Rates: Dunn County Map of Aquifer Recharge Rates
Dunn County Groundwater Ad-Hoc Committee Report: Dunn_County_Groundwater_Ad-hoc_Committee_Final_Report_8.8.19